- 論文の詳細を見る
The functions of physical training are considered as the maintenance and improvement of natural health and general improvement of physical strength. In the field training, these functions can be extended to the formation of the power of actions extremely desired for the development of qualities, both individual and social, through concrete movements. The significance of the training in the contribution to the formation of the whole personality is explained in the terms of "sound body", and such body must be sound, both spiritually and socially. That is where the meaning of the physical training set forth in the university standards lies. Here, the course of the physical training to date from 1949 when it started in Keio University will be explained, with reference to the present state of fundamental physical training as a motive for sports and curriculums on ball games (basket-ball, volleyball, etc.), Judo and Kendo (Japanese fencing), calisthenics and field sports as fundamental physical activities and swimming, where relative problems and future outlook for fundamental training will be discussed.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
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- 肋木運動に関する一考察
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