肋木運動に関する一考察(其の三) : 肋木を使用した身体矯正運動
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As to exercises by the use of Swedish bars, reports were made in the Volumes No. 17 and No. 18 of Bulletin of Physical Education Institute, Keio University, on the general view as a result electromyogram, and discussion was made on the examples of various programs applicable for the training of physical strength, on the effects given to the various muscules, methods of exercises, steps of instructions and elements of prescription as well as multiple purpose use of Swedish bars through the improvement. In this report, however, discussion is made on the correct of bad postures which is said to be the original purpose of the Swedish bar. Cases of bodily abnormality due to bad posture, insufficient growth, lumbago, etc. have been increasing in recent years. What are considered as the causes for these cases are the changes in the mode of living brought by the advancement of machine civilization with the technical revolution, the tendency that usual physical activity themselves have shunned vigorous muscular exercises, and so on, resulting in the weakening of the muscular group supporting the spine due to the reduction of muscular labor and the conversion to sitting work. Consequently, it is considered appropriate to take up a prescription as an instrument for the correction of bad postures. (1) Concerning the body sites and construction of the body to be reformed by the use of Swedish bars, the spine should be placed first. (2) As to what are to be remedied, the subjects should be seized. (3) Effects of exercises on the muscular groups. (4) Consideration of prescription of exercises for the respective subjects. From the above viewpoints, discussion was made on the effectiveness of the use of Swedish bars. However, as to the choice of effective methods for the correction of bad postures, seizing of the characteristics of exercises, consideration of the quality and quantity of exercises, ages, sex and physical fitness differences, etc. require studies. Of course, needless to say, an effective practical system should be constructed using muscular training together with general training for improving physical fitness. Meantime, a report concerning the progress and results of exercise stimuli (loads) should be made as a future theme.
- 慶應義塾大学の論文
- 肋木運動について
- 肋木運動に関する一考察-3-肋木を使用した身体矯正運動
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