- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to develop a three-dimensional (3D) computer graphics (CG) animation with visualization of mechanical parameters for the baseball pitching (human body) motion using three different kinds of geometry models, which are a stick figure (SK), a wire frame (WR), and a solid figure (SD) model respectively, in order to assist the motor learning of sport skills. Fastball pitches made by five right-handed male varsity pitchers were videotaped using 3D DLT procedures. The 3D coordinate data of the 23 body landmarks and the ball center were obtained for the fastest pitch of each subject. The mechanical parameters calculated included the velocity and acceleration of the ball, etc. The reconstruction of the geometry model for the human body segments used a modified version of three 3D drawing subroutine programs, respectively called "STKSPOT" for the SK, "GRAFATH" for the WR, and "SOLFIG" for the SD, originally developed by the Biomechanics Laboratory at Indiana University. We conducted some questionnaires to collegiate students (n=178) who majored in physical education in order to investigate the visual effect of the 3D CG animation for the human body motion. Most of the students (92%) affirmatively answered that they would make use of the 3D CG animation as a supporting tool for the motor learning of sport skills. This result suggested that 3D CG animation could be very useful for more effective assistance in the motor learning of sport skills. In the future, it would be strongly expected that 3D motion analysis systems with 3D CG animation will be introduced into schools, sport centers and other sport facilities.
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