ソフトボール授業における未習熟者に対する打撃指導のための教材開発 : 大学生を対象に
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The purpose of this study was to develop and examine drill teaching materials for improving the basic batting actions of unskilled baseball students. In this study, three drill teaching materials were created for unskilled students, and the subjects were divided into the administered group (Tr group) and the unadministered group (Con group). The average and maximum batting speeds and batting action were examined for each group before and after the drill learning period. In addition, a survey on the drill materials was conducted after completion of the learning period in order to examine their validity. The results showed a significant increase in the average and maximum batting speeds of all members of the Tr group (p < 0.01). These members also acquired basic batting form and actions. On the other hand, there was no significant difference noted in the members of the Con group, and no specific tendencies were observed in their batting form. From these results, it is considered that the three drill teaching materials used in this study are effective in improving batting speed and form.
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