仙台大学生の喫煙習慣について : 喫煙開始状況と喫煙率減少策に関する検討
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Smoking rate of students in the Faculty of Physical Education Sendai College was investigated and the strategy to reduce it was considered. The data of questionnaires on lifestyle at the physical checkup were used. Smoking rate increase rapidly at the first grade and second grade male student (smoking rate were 15.8%, 41.2%, 54.7% and 53.5%, in the first, second, third and fourth grade male students, respectively. p<0.001 by chi-squared test). From the point of view of their residence, student who live alone in the apartment start smoking at high rate (34.2% from non-smoker in male student live alone). The health education on smoking at the early time of the first grade is desired.
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