- 論文の詳細を見る
The aim of this study was to verify the hypothesis that the experience of interacting with children of different ages and carrying out group activities with them during school child age, where development of social skills is very conspicuous, contributes to the learning of social skills. For this, a study was conducted on junior high schools students (55 male and female) to investigate the relationship between experience in multiage group activities during elementary school age and the learning of social skills from the viewpoint of experience in participating in junior sports groups and the relationship behavior with others. An analysis of the survey results clarified the following points, which partially support the hypothesis. 1. Participation in junior sports groups during the school child age reduces actions which avoid interaction with others and isolation from others. 2. Girls show fewer actions which impair relations with others, and have a variety of actions which promote and reinforce relationships. 3. The effects of experience in participating in junior sports groups on actions to promote relationships are less for the youngest child in the family.
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- 学童期における異年齢集団活動と社会的スキルの習得
- 青年期における対人恐怖心性と孤独感との関連および孤独感の対処方法
- 親の養育態度と青年の攻撃性との関係
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- 青年期における人間信頼感・自己存在感と攻撃性の関連
- 父子親和関係と向社会性の関連
- いじめ経験による対人態度の変化
- いじめ経験が対人関係のあり方に及ぼす影響