ヒト常在性酵母Candida glabrataのストレス耐性と医療・産業への応用
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Candida glabrata, an imperfect fungus, resembles Saccharomyces cerevisiae in morphology and gene sequencing, however, C. glabrata is only a haploid cell and is unable to mate with another. It is known that C. glabrata is a yeast bringing opportunistic infection. There are increasing concerns over Candida, because it causes not only mucocutaneous but also systemic infections in transplant and immunosuppressed patients. The other side of C. glabrata, is a superior stain for fermentative production of pyruvate. We are analyzing comparisons of S. cerevisiae and C. glabrata, of wild type strains. As a result, we found that C. glabrata has loud fermentation power and is very helpful industrially. The growth rate is extremely fast in comparison with S. cerevisiae as well C. glabrata can also grow under high temperature condition (42-44 degrees). Furthermore, we show multiple stress resistance (high sugar density, amount of salt density, amount of ethanol density, high hydrochloric acid density). For example, regarding the hydrochloric acid, I showed in particular, a high survival percentage rate after leaving it in the high density hydrochloric acid (0.1-0.5M). As for C. glabrata, it is identified that it continues to grow in mammals as a host for a certain time of period. We think that preventive medical care can produce vaccines and antibiotics using the C. glabrata, as a host in the human intestine or mammals; for example, in the prevention of the new influenza virus. However, we have some problems in order to achieve our purpose. In order to solve the problems, we are constructing a host vector system and developing a highly efficienct homologous recombination method, construction of the diploid by the cell fusion method and we are aiming at developing new varieties of strains that is industrially advantageous.
- 徳島文理大学の論文
水野 貴之
水野 貴之
前田 淳史
文谷 政憲
村上 裕太
古田 達也
林 洋平
水野 貴之
前田 淳史
文谷 政憲
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