日中両国における広告のキャッチフレーズについて : 女性誌と男性誌の広告を中心に
- 論文の詳細を見る
The commercials in magazines outweigh those in other medium since the former segment and target clearly the readers and provide creative optical effects than the latter. Also, subscribers of magazine involve deeply the content with payment, hence be conscious at reading. The catchphrases of commercials are essential to attract attention of the readers. However, is there any difference in expressions of catchphrases in Japanese and in Chinese? At the age of personalized business, is there any difference in commercials focusing on males or females? This work studied on linguistic aspect the catchphraes in male and female magazines published in Japan and Taiwan. In particular, the titles in whole year publication 『non-no』( Japan's female magazine) , 『Men's non-no』 (Japan's male magazine) , 『儂儂』 (Taiwan's female magazine) and 『men's uno』 (Taiwan's male mazagine) were studied. The data were interpreted based on rhetoric, vocabulary, wording points of view. Additionally, the obtained results were compared with the characteristics of catchphraes from other medium.
- 徳島大学の論文
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