Interesting variants of the Josephus Problem: how high school students can discover theorems using computer algebra systems (Computer Algebra: Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 総合型スポーツクラブ組織づくりへの一考察 : 関西学院中・高・大陸上競技部の一貫性指導を中心に
- Combinatorial games: a research project by high school students using computer algebra systems (2) (Computer algebra--design of algorithms, implementations and applications--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- Interesting variants of the Josephus Problem: how high school students can discover theorems using computer algebra systems (Computer Algebra: Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications--RIMS研究集会報告集)
- 数式処理システムを利用した高校生や大学初年級の生徒による数学研究
- 数式処理システムを用いた組み合わせゲームの研究と教育への応用 (数式処理 : その研究と目指すもの)
- 石取りゲームの変種であるチョコレートゲーム
- Combinatorial Games : A Research Project by High School Students Using Computer Algebra Systems III (Computer Algebra : Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- The Relation between Normal Play Chocolate Games and Misere Play Chocolate Games that Satisfy Inequality $y\le\lfloor\frac{x+2}{k}\rfloor$ (Computer Algebra : Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications)
- Combinatorial Games : A Research Project by High School Students Using Computer Algebra Systems (3) (Computer Algebra : Design of Algorithms, Implementations and Applications : RIMS研究集会報告集)