- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to investigate effects of expectancy and attitude toward hypnosis onhypnotic susceptibility. Participants rated an attitude toward hypnosis questionnaire and a hypnotic stateexpectancy questionnaire. Then, they completed the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, FormA. Factor analysis of the hypnotic state expectancy questionnaire yielded two factors: expectancy for lossof control and released potentiality. The result of two-way analysis of variance showed a significant interaction.Low expectancy for loss of control participants demonstrated increased hypnotic susceptibility fromlow to high level of attitude toward hypnosis. This finding suggest the importance to investigate effects ofexpectancy and attitude in terms of interactive these variables.
- 催眠状態期待と催眠態度が催眠感受性におよぼす影響
- 構成的グループ・エンカウンターが既知集団の集団構造とメンバーの心理的変数に与える影響
- 催眠期待と催眠状態イメージ・催眠感受性との関連 : 日常生活に対する態度を媒介変数として
- 情報処理スタイルの違いによる心の整理法の効果の検討 : 悩みとの「間」に注目して