秋田県・象潟海岸の泥流丘の^<14>C年代 : 日本の第四紀層の^<14>C年代(156)(200号記念号)
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Kisakata coast is located at the western part of Tohoku district of Japan. This coastal region is consisted of alluvial plain, sand dune and mudflow hills. The mudflow hills are composed of debris avalanche, which used to form the top of the Mt. Chokai-san. It was blown off by an eruption and the debris avalanche elided down the northern slope of the mountain, just like the case of Mt. St. Helens in U. S. A., in 1980. At the time of the eruption, this coastal region was still under the water, and the debris deposited at the sea bottom. ^<14>C age of the wood in the debris is 2640 ± 65 y. B. P. (N-4743).
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