- 論文の詳細を見る
(1) OBERLING (1964) and HUDSON (1969) classified canals in some groups respectively by their distribution and size. Namely, it is assumed that it shows the difference of the function of canals. (2) The fossils belong to Arcacea have canals, e. g. Grammatodon sachalinensis (Cretaceous), Glycymeris cisshuensis (Oligocene), G. idensis (Miocene), G. crassa (Pliocene), G. rotunda (Pliocene), Anadara uozumii (Pliocene). Having canals from the older Seological time mentioned above, it is thought the canals must be the more fundamental structure in Arcacea. (3) In the living Anadara (Scapharca) subcrenata the canals open at near the pallial line. Most canals of the dorsal side are filled up by the shell matter secreted from the thin part of mantle secondarily. (4) When the mantle of Anadara (S.) subcrenata, especially the posterior part of the mantle, is peeled off from the pallial line, the animal becomes weaker and die. And the mantle peeled off for once does not adhere to the former position. (5) Though the mantle is peeled off from the pallial line in Tapes (Amygdala) japonlca and Meretrix lusoria, they burrow in the substratum as usual and exhale or inhale the sea water through siphon. And the mantle peeled off for once adhere to the former position again. (6) As a result of the foregoing observations and experiments, it is assumed that one of the functions of the canals or the epitherial protuberances of mantle are the structure in order to allow to adhere the mantle to the inner surface of shell.
- 地学団体研究会の論文
- 1971-11-25
- 153 二重殻体をもつ二枚貝について
- サルボウガイの殻体にとりこまれた砂粒
- 242 いわゆる成田層産ナミガイ化石の殻体にみられる形成異常について
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- フネガイ目の殻体に認められる管状構造
- 真多歯類の套線付近の内層分布のパターン : 古生物
- サルボウの貝がらに認められる管状構造の機能に関する実験的研究(その3)
- ベンケイガイの刻点について
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