2 ベンチャー・ビジネスとファミリー・ビジネス^[○!R](新企業体制と経営者育成)
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the management of venture business, the role of a founder and his/her family is critical. Especially, strengthening of management capability, and a family's responsibility may be problematic in the growth stage of venture business. Here, the roles of the family in venture business are clarified which include not only the viewpoint of inheritance of property but the viewpoint succession of corporate culture. Succession of this corporate culture is inheriting the entrepreneurship which the venture founder created and developed. It is assumed that there is a risk of producing bureaucratic management in which the company stiffens the strengths of management capabilities in venture business. In this regard, while succession of corporate culture is one of the exchanges with environmental powers of venture business, it develops entrepreneurial management. The probability of survival of venture business in Japan must be improved by strengthening the management capabilities in the growth stage. In addition, it must not be forgotten that there is need for strengthening management capabilities in the growth stage of venture business--and business is managed by the professional management, succession of corporate culture, and development.
- 日本経営教育学会の論文
- 2002-03-30
- 経営教育と組織観(日本企業の経営実践と経営教育)
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- 経営者バイアウト(MBO)の経営原理
- 2 ベンチャー・ビジネスとファミリー・ビジネス^[○!R](新企業体制と経営者育成)
- 民間的経営手法導入の紹介 経営活性化手法としての経営者バイアウト(management buy-outs)
- 企業間関係の経営活動に関する一考察
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- ベンチャー企業の経営原理 : ファミリービジネスとベンチャービジネスを中心にして
- 企業間の協調的な競争関係
- コーポレート・ベンチャーキャピタルと企業間協調
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- 環境経営力とエコ・イノベーション (研究領域 弾力的な経営組織関連とテクノロジーからの競争力創成領域)
- 企業競争力としての環境経営 (日本発の経営力の創成と環境経営)
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