2225 衝撃負荷を受ける長柱の座屈挙動に及ぼす変形速度と細長比の影響(S15-1 実験力学と材料評価(1),S15 実験力学と材料評価)
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In this research, the buckling behavior of long columns under dynamic load was investigated both experimentally and numerically, and an effective buckling criterion for dynamic load with limited time duration was described in terms of the slenderness ratios. In the experiments, a free fall drop-weight type impact testing machine was employed. The dynamic buckling loads were measured by the force sensing block, and the displacements were measured by a high speed magnetic-resistance device. Furthermore, the dynamic buckling loads at various impact speeds were systematically investigated. From the results, it was found that the ratio of the dynamic load to the static load was expressed as a square function of the slenderness ratio of the long columns.
- 社団法人日本機械学会の論文
- 2007-09-07
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