レクリエーションスポーツにおける運動強度に関する研究(第一報) : ソフトバレーボールについて
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Recreation sport fans have been increasing in recent years. This trend is seen noticeably, in particular, among girl students' physical education classes.What are the reasons for this popularity?In this paper, we will take up soft volleyball among many recreation sports and will attempt to clarify the reasons from as a first step the perspective of work intensity by measuring heart rate. The obects of this resarch are seven female adults who take part in the female adults' sports class and six junior college sudents. The heart rate was found to rise both among female adults and junior college sutdents.However, the students indicated a lower heart beat rate than female adults all the time. Another finding is that about 54% of the maximal oxygen intake is needed, judging from the heart rate during the soft volleyball game. And the training intensity becomes more than medium by continunung with the game for more than 30 minutes.The conclusion is that the soft volleyball is popular because many sports fans play it for fun and with ,ore than medium work intensity and also because they drop balls kess frequently even if their skills are low.
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