- 論文の詳細を見る
Kyoto Kamogawa-river has historical heritage and landscape. However, on the other hand on an earlier occasion it was suffered from food disaster. The social concern with environmental and prevention for disasters of riverside area has been growing for the last several years. This paper discusses the issues related to the characteristic of hydrology and a measure of flood disaster in Komogawa-River Kyoto. From the hydrological data of Kamogawa-river were observed that it has not fluctuations of water level. Since 1935 this drainage basin was not suffered from flood disaster, in recent years hazard map and website information was provided by local government. Water quality of Kamogawa-river maintains good level from 1960; it was worried about water pollution by building of an industrial waste disposal facility. For the reasons mentioned above, it is an important point of the river management that from a point of view to environmental-prevention for disasters and an upper-lower district.
- 敬愛大学・千葉敬愛短期大学の論文
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