共時としての怒りの感情 : よしもとばなな作品にみる青年心理(5)
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This is the fifth in a series of papers that interprets today's adolescent psychology using the novels of Banana Yoshimoto as its study material. The interpretation uses intuition analysis. This method is similar to the phenomenological intuition concept and is applied to used literary works or novels. Here, "TUGUMI" is the literary material being examined. The protagonist is a girl named Tugumi, who has a chronic kidney disease and has been told by a doctor that she could die young. Expecting her death in the near future, she has an extremely radical personality. Her character may be a shadow or essential self of the author. The novel focuses on the girl's anger. Tugumi's character symbolizes primitive feelings of deep anger in the unconsciousness of modern man, which stands in contrast with another character, a young woman named Maria, who represents the author's self-image. It can be interpreted as the fundamental psychological landscape of a young generation submerged under the surface of IT culture, and one can detect a strong connection to synchronicity which is characteristic of the author.
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