Behavior of Elderly People with Dementia when Building Human Relationships in an Institution
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to clarify the process through which elderly institution residents with dementia build relationships with others. Employing a multiple case study design, we continuously observed two elderly residents with dementia from the day of admission. Observations were made 3-4h per day, three days per month, for 4 months. With the time the woman with a low cognitive level exchanged words with other residents who happened to be near her and did things together with them as she gradually turned her attention to those around her. The woman with a higher cognitive level, on the other hand, had contact with care providers and other residents, found a friend, and enjoyed being together with that friend. The two demented elderly women seem to have built relationships with others in their own way, regardless of their cognitive level.
- 愛知学院大学の論文
大須賀 惠子
野崎 玲子
濱畑 章子
大塚 静香
大須賀 惠子
愛知学院大 心身科学
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