Two Higgs doublet model within USY hypohtesis
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We investigate phenomenology in a Two Higgs Doublet Model (THDM) within the Universality Strength for Yukawa couplings (USY) hypothesis. It is assumed in this model that all the Yukawa couplings have the same moduli. The two Higgs doublets are also supposed to develop vacuum expectation values (vev's) with the same moduli. In favor of this mechanism, not only the quark mass hierarchical relations m_u,m_c≪.m_t, m_d, m_s≪m_b but also m_b≪m_t are naturally explained. Furthermore, the sufficiently large phase invariant CP violation parameter J is obtained. In addition, the scalar mediated FCNC's are generated at the tree level.
- 神戸海星女子学院大学の論文
Department of Nuclear Engineering Kyoto University
樋口 勝一
樋口 勝一
樋口 勝一
Yamamoto Katsuji
Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto University
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