非営利組織における福祉サービス供給システム : マネジメントサイクルとサービス供給サイクルに関する研究
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There have been presently a lot of NPO (Non-Profit-Organizations) concerned with the Welfare Services' Delivery Systems in Japan. The most urgent concerns of the NPO is what kind of services should be offered to the public for it to survive as the organizations of NPO in the future. By analyzing the current delivery systems of NPO, we classified it as two systems of the "management-cycles" and the "service delivery-cycles" in principle. Under these methods, we examined what kind of activities had been dealt in and consequently we realized that the NPO had defined these activities as the "management-cycle" based on their functions and the principles of them and on the other hand, the clients of these welfare services had defined them as the "service delivery-cycle" due to their functions for them. Accordingly, there had been no clear recognitions between the management-cycles and service deliverycycles in the NPO's organizations. Therefore, The NPO had offered either service to the public in case of the service user's needs and had survived without any assistances from others.
- 鈴鹿短期大学の論文
- 非営利組織における組織運営コントロールの検討
- 福祉サービス供給システムにおける非営利組織に関する一考察 : 社会サービス理解のための比較分析
- 非営利組織における福祉サービス供給システム : マネジメントサイクルとサービス供給サイクルに関する研究
- 社会福祉研究におけるケーススタディの現状--日本社会福祉学会機関誌「社会福祉学」掲載論文を資料として