- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of training, in a low oxygen state and using an aerobic exerciser, on performance Time in official competitions in middle and long distance runners. The subjects, six female middle and long distance runners, participated in the training by being in a low oxygen state and using the aerobic exerciser for four weeks. During this experiment, the subjects took iron tablets, 100mg per day, to prevent anemia. This was suggested from the previous study. The blood components of the subjects were measured before and after the experiment. Also, the subjects were requested to run on a treadmill to abtain the maximum oxygen intake and lactate threshold measurements. A time trial running was also conducted on a running track before and after the experiment. As the result, five of the six subjects improved their performance times inspite of the fact that very little differences in blood components and maximum oxygen intake were found between before and after the training. Moreover, three of the five runners recorded their personal best times. Thus, training in a low oxygen state and using the aerobic exerciser seemed to be an effective method to help the middle and long distance runners improve their times.
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