地域体育における施設経営に関する研究(3) : 卓球・バドミントン開放の指導者について
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Area Service is one of the functions that a sports facility may provide. Sports leaders, as a part of the Area Service,would develop autonomic behavior of the participants under certain circumstances. The purpose of the study, therefore, was to investigate the relationship between the role of the sports leaders and the responces occured on the users' side. For this purpose, a questionnaire survey was administered among the users of Area Service in badminton and table tennis that were provided by two public sports halls as independent bodies of physical education and sports management. Development of user's autonomy was measured in terms of how the participants' consciousness changed by interaction with the sports leaders, and were classified as follows: 1) Those for whom sports leaders' guidance became unnecessary, 2) Those to whom clear evaluation was not possible, and 3) Those who still need such guidance. Contents of sports leader's guidance activities were then classified as follows: a) teaching sports skills, b) method of practice c) sports rules and/or method of referee, d) desirable manners and cooperative attitude in public facility, and e) exercise prescription. The results of this study lead the conclusions as follws: 1) Many of the participants unaccompanied by friends, males over twenty years, and females over thirty years of age have a tendency to ask for the sports leader's guidance when they take exercise in Area Service. The author is of the opinion that they are not autonomous. 2) Teaching desirable manners and cooperative attitude in addition to teaching sports skills and practical method may be effective in development of the autonomous attitude of the participants. 3) Users who acquired autonomous attitude have a desirable tendency for management of physical education and sports. Namely, they have greater number of hours and/or higher frequency of facility usage.
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