プラトンの教育思想(1) : 想起の教育的意義
- 論文の詳細を見る
Plato's doctrine of recollection, which is a significant problem about the method of recollection in the history of philosophy, was advocated as a method of education. The dialectics of Socrates is a method to stimulate or encourage the self-development. But in this method, how could pupil get recognition (επιστημη) into himself without infusion from outside? It was to answer this question that recollection doctrine was advocated. Plato theorized in his "Menon" recolection and dialectics, closely relating them and signifying the respective meaning in education. The educational importance of recollection doctrine-"learning is recollection"-lies in the assertion that pupil should get recognition (επιλτημη) out of himself; in the acknowledgement of the immanence of recognition; in the affirmation of pupil's spontaneity; and finaly in the effort to make them the foundation of the possibility of education in general.
- 東京女子体育大学・東京女子体育短期大学の論文
- 明治初期女子教育の諸問題(1) : "学制"から"第一次教育令改正"まで
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- プラトンの教育思想(5) : αρετηとιδεα
- プラトンの教育思想(4) : διαλογοζにおけるυποθεσιζについて
- プラトンの教育思想(3) : 「国家」を中心として
- プラトンの教育思想(2) : ***スの教育的意義
- プラトンの教育思想(1) : 想起の教育的意義