多国籍企業とグローバル・スタンダード : 両報告のコメントに関連させて(第7セッション グローバリゼーション,20世紀資本主義-歴史と方法の再検討-,創立五十周年記念大会報告集)
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In this paper, I will study historically the behavior of U.S. multinational corporations in the world economy after the Second World War and show the way in which the rules of global standards have an important effect on their international business. Firstly, multinationalization of U.S. corporations just after the Second World War will be discussed. I will clarify the relationship between multinationalization and Keynesian policy in this period. Secondly, I will carefully scrutinize the behavior of U.S. multinationals which hastened the collapse of U.S. Keynesian policy in the latter half of the 1960s. This was mainly caused by the changes of business strategy of U.S. multinational corporations. It will be shown that these changes were linked to anti-Keynesian policy. And finally, I will study the behavior of U.S. current multinationals in the 1980s and 1990s. I will make it clear why high-technology industries have the linkage to the strategic trade and investment policy, and tend to make the rules of global standards for their international business behavior.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1999-09-30
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