日本農政の総括と展望 : 農業基本法以降の農政展開(第4セッション 現代農業問題,20世紀資本主義-歴史と方法の再検討-,創立五十周年記念大会報告集)
- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the progress and the logic of the agricultural policy in Japan after the Agricultural Basic Law was enacted. A policy objective of the Agricultural Basic Law enacted in 1961 was to get rid of the income gap between agricultural sector and non-agricultural sector. The law which reflected the social tension at that time was given a characteristic of agricultural protection. And it was designed to promote in this framework the policies including the structural policy, production policy and price policy. The framework of the Agricultural Basic Law changed sharply in the period of internationalization policy of agriculture which began in 1986. Here the policy objective was put on the steep reduction of the price gap between home and abroad, while the price policy and production policy retreated, the structural policy was ranked as the core policy. It was supposed to be epoch-making and the most important reform since the Agricultural Basic Law. The reform was located in the strategy of reorganization of Japanese capitalism after the middle of 1980s. The agricultural policy in the state monopoly capitalism has two functions composed of the promotion of capital accumulation and social integration. The former has been remarkably strengthened through the agricultural policy reform in the period of internationalization policy of agriculture. It can be said in each of the three aspects : the promotion of supply of low-price agricultural products, the promotion of conversion of farmland for non-agricultural use and the promotion of free trade system. The function of capital accumulation in the period of internationalization policy of agriculture strengthened as the background of these trends and at the same time the function of social integration weakened to a considerable extent. But these functions did not disappear completely in the territory of agricultural policy. We understand that the functions should be applied only to limited areas. The policy of hilly and mountainous areas, less favored areas than others, was thus carried out by the agricultural administration. But, the agricultural policy is leading Japanese agriculture to a serious destruction. The crucial point of discussions on agricultural policy reform at present is, therefore, whether the framework of the internationalization policy of agriculture is to be continued or reformed.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1999-09-30
- コメントに対する回答 (第42回地域農林経済学会大会報告--農業担い手育成の方向と戦略的課題--土地利用型農業を中心にして)
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- 日本における条件不利地域農業の実態と政策課題〔含 討議〕 (条件不利地域対策とデカップリング)
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