- 論文の詳細を見る
Since the Thacher-Reagan-Nakasone Era of the 1980s, the liberal economic ideas of the 'Austrian School' have been on the tongues of politicians all over the world. For a deep understanding of this intellectual tradition, however, we must bear in mind that it has a history of more than one hundred years since Carl Menger published his seminal work, Grundsatze der Volkswirtshaftslehre. After a very short discussion on the methodology of intellectual history (Section 1), I explore the school's origins in the old Austria under the Habsburg Monarchy. I find that the most important development in this tradition was the emergence of a fundamental liberalism during the turbulent years after 1918 (Section 2). Ludwig von Mises was the sole innovator of this tradition. I examine Mises' position in Austrian post-war economic policy in Section 3, using evidence from his contemporaries as well as financial statistics. In Section 4, I summarize his criticism of socialism and defense of liberalism. In the last section, I conclude that Mises' fundamental liberalism was the expression of the dissipation of the social basis for a viable political liberalism in the unstable Austrian Republics. However, the purification performed by Mises provided the liberal ideas of the 'Austrians' with a new vigor that enabled them to migrate to the United States.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2001-04-20
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- 寺出道雄著, 『山田盛太郎-マルクス主義者の知られざる世界-』, 日本経済評論社, 2008年, vi+226頁
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- 学生による授業評価データの分析と解釈
- 越後和典著, 『新オーストリア学派の思想と理論』, ミネルヴァ書房, 2003年, xiii+211頁
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- システム論を問いなおす : 歴史的移行とシステム論(『社会・経済システム』第19号への批評)
- オーストリア学派における自由主義の純化(大会報告・共通論題:新自由主義-その理論的・歴史的検討-)
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- 進化経済学を求めて--西山賢一著『複雑系としての経済:豊かなモノ離れ社会へ』(NHKブックス,1997年)によせて
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- をめぐるドイツとイギリス
- Amemiya, Takeshi, Economy and Economics of Ancient Greece, London and New York: Routledge, 2007, xxiv+184pp