米国の経済覇権の回復を支えているもの : 軍民統合戦略の意義と限界(大会報告・共通論題 : 1990年代不況の世界史的意味)
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In this paper, I will try to clarify why the U.S. enjoys the economic prosperity in the 90s, which marks a sharp contrast to the economic depression of Japan. First, I identify why the military expansion in the Cold War era had brought about the economic decline of the U.S. The Nuclear weapons system, as well as the accompanying offensive doctrine had created a deep military-commercial split or a "separation wall" within the US economy, thus transforming the military industrial base to a kind of isolated "Getto". Therefore it was natural that Japan could become a real victor in the 80s. As the Cold War terminated, the Clinton administration wanted to introduce a new agenda, proposing an integration of economic security with military security. Dual-Use technology policy, as well as a civil-military integration strategy became a key idea, on which the Clinton administration gave a top priority. Huge resources, which used to be dedicated to the "pure play" military use, have been converted to a dual-use arena, thus strengthening not only economic power, but also military might. In this process, the military technology revolution, especially the strategic shift from "Nuclear Umbrella" to "Information Umbrella" has played a pivotal role. However, it would inevitable to find some weak points in this strategic shift. Lastly this paper will try to identify what a limit of this dual-use strategy is about, assessing whether the 21st century will become another century of American dominance, or it will become a century of declining American Hegemony.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 2000-04-20
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