戦後日本資本主義の危機 : 冷戦後世界の再編と戦後再生産構造の分解(大会報告・共通論題 : 1990年代不況の世界史的意味)
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A full-set of "mono-culture processing-oriented" industrial structure was formed on the basis of the most advanced heavy and chemical industries, which was an inter-sector, where investment attracted the successive rounds of investment. This formation had taken place under the Cold-War regime during Japan's high economic growth since the second half of the 1950s and sustained by loans and indirect financing by the World Bank as well as by the state-of-the-art technologies and resources introduced from abroad. In the 1990s, however, this structure met with doomed resolution. What caused this resolution were five factors. First was the disappearance of the external basis for the existence of the Cold War regime triggered by its downfall, first economically at the second stage in the mid-1980s following the first stage of the early 1970s, and then politically and fatally with the collapse of the USSR and East European Socialist systems in 1989-91. Second was the formation of a wide-area cycle with East Asia through overseas expansion by Japan's manufacturing companies prompted by the yen's dual-stage appreciation which was brought about by the Plaza Accord in 1985, as well as by the shift to the post-Cold War policy in 1993. Third was the failure of indirect financing and forced accumulation (led by capital investment) in the wake of the bursting of Japan's bubble economy. Fourth was the shift of industrial priorities to R&D through information networking led by PCs and the Internet, and a change to a hardware subcontracting sector in the course of the "information investment cycle" under the lead of the U.S. Fifth was the collapse of the mass-consumption structure (or environment-load conversion type) with heavy reliance on external resources, energy and food in response to the deteriorating global environment as a negative by-product of Japan's high economic growth through forced accumulation under the currency control system with the dollar as its key currency. Manufacturing companies' shift of their production bases overseas caused by a higher yen shock and fatally disrupted the foundation of Japan's agriculture, a sector that had long served as the supply base of low-wage workers while seeking and engaging in side jobs. This shift also broke down the three-tier arrangement based on industrial discrepancy with the subsisting farming as its bottom tier. Japan's postwar economy represented an overall dependence structure, with the state depending on the U.S., companies on the state, small and medium companies on big companies and workers on employing firms. The collapse of the Cold War regime, industrial hollowing due to the yen's up trend and the dissemination of information in society in the 1990s have crushed the ground and foundation of the existence of this system. This development is urging the state, companies and individuals to stand on its, or their, own feet and forcing the industrial structure based on environment-load exports to change into a cyclical type of sustainable structure.
- 2000-04-20
- 戦後日本資本主義の危機 : 冷戦後世界の再編と戦後再生産構造の分解(大会報告・共通論題 : 1990年代不況の世界史的意味)
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