近世後期北西ドイツ村落社会における社会統制と農民身分の自律 : オスナブリュック司教領の定住管理
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In this paper I picked out the settlement control in Osnabrucker Land from the end of the 17 th to the 18 th century as a example for that social control in Germany village society which was until now unknown, although many studies researched lately the autonomy of the early modern village communities in Germany. The first chapter shows the characters of the village society in Osnabrucker Land : the structure of village communities ; the local administration organization of the government (Hochstift Osnabruck) ; the situation of the settlement. The second chapter treats the common land politics and the new housing permission tax of the government. It had few influence on village communities ("Markgenossenschahten") and individual Bauern ("Hofbesitzer") in respect of control on the settlement of new cottagers ("Markkotter","Brinksitzer") and landless lodgers ("Heuerlinge"). The third chapter analyzes how the village communities regulated the settlements of the new cottagers and landless lodger in Deesenberger Mark as an example of "Markgenossenschaften". The object of its settlement control was new housings, and the village community hindered the building of cottages with property by outsiders, but could not prevent the Bauern, members of the communities, from housing of landless lodgers. The background of the situation was that the Bauern expanded their farms. The conclusion is the following : the Bauern could keep their autonomic power over settlement in village society in this period, and it was composed of the autonomy of village communities from the government and that of individual Bauern from the both. As its result we find a extreme hierarchy from Bauern to landless in the village society in the second half of 18 th century.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1999-10-20
- 北西ドイツ村落社会における三月革命と定住管理 : ハノーファー王国オスナブリュック州の1848年法を中心に
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- 近世後期北西ドイツ村落社会における社会統制と農民身分の自律 : オスナブリュック司教領の定住管理