- 論文の詳細を見る
The decade of 1930s is a significant and extremely interesting period in the history of the formation of Japanese corporate groups. While the 1930s began with economic crisis and proceeded toward economic controls, it was also a period that saw new technologies, an active securities market, and a boom in military demand, all of which combined to rapidly advance private heavy and chemical industry and to offer a variety of business opportunities. There were also important changes in corporate organization as solutions came to be needed for new organizational problems and inefficiencies arising from diversification, vertical integration, and various ad hoc production arrangements. Generally speaking, it was during this period, especially second half of 1930s, that corporates began to form corporate groups. One of the most noticeable shifts on the business scene during the 1930s was the entry, one after another, of the New Konzerns. These were essentially corporate groups. They established large numbers of subsidiaries, each having some kind of connection to the parent company's main business, with the entire group operating as an organic whole. The trend of making such corporate groups proceeded even in the wartime economy, pervading among almost large firms including large enterprises under Zaibatsu. In this paper, various aspects of corporate groups during the wartime economy are analyzed, especially focusing on the corporate's countermeasures against the wartime corporate controls and regulations.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1996-04-20
- 岡崎哲二・奥野正寛編, 『現代日本経済システムの源流』, 日本経済新聞社、一九九三年六月、一〇+二九一頁、三九〇〇円
- 大塩 武著, 『日窒コンツェルンの研究』, 日本経済評論社、一九八九年五月、三七〇頁、四六三五円
- 橋本寿朗・武田晴人編, 『両大戦間期日本のカルテル』, 御茶の水書房、一九八五年五月、四二二十五頁、五、五〇〇円
- 持株会社と企業グループ : 日本企業制度史の一側面
- 戦時経済と企業グループ(大会報告・共通論題:第二次大戦期の日本資本主義-戦時経済の歴史的位置)
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- 1930年代「松下産業団」の形成過程--事業部制から分社制へ