ポスト冷戦時代のアメリカ経済 : 国内産業再生と対日交渉の政策史的展開をもとにして(大会報告・共通論題:冷戦体制の解体と20世紀末資本主義の世界史的段階)
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The collapse of cold war system produced a strong influence to the .world economic order. It struck deeply the United States which was the hegemon of the world cold war sytem. Bill Clinton, governor of Arkansas, was elected 42rd President of the United States in 1992. He defeated Presifent Bush who is a successful winner of cold war race. It means that U. S. people wish stronger recovery and growth of U. S. national economy rather than maintaining hegemony of the world. The situation of U. S. competitiveness have grown even worse for these 25 years. Although U. S. goverment have tackled the difficult problem of recovery of U.S. economic power in this 15 years, they have not been able to succeed it yet. They have many reports and recommendations on U. S. competitiveness, for example, Report of the President on U.S. Competitiveness (1980), Young Report (1985), New Young Report (1988), Report of Council on Competitiveness (1992), and so on. The main reason of unsuccessfulness of U. S. competitive position depends on its parasitic on political and military power as hegemon. U. S. -Japan trade friction have grown more and more seriously in these 25 years. It repeats to perform always on Japanese self control of restricting of its export to the U. S. for the resolution of these trade friction. But it is not a true solution. Because U. S. -Japan trade imbalances are more large and serious year by year. It must be both to increase production power of manufacture on the U. S. side and to change export-oriented economic mind on Japanese side for the true solution of these imbalances. The U. S. changed drastically its attitude to Japan on the negotiation of trade problem in 1990's. They see Japan as a rival or a potential enemy in post cold war era. Japan insists on also its need and say 'NO'. It is very important how to harmonize economic interests between both countries.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1995-04-20
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