戦後改革期の日本資本主義における労資関係 : <従業員組合>の生成(大会報告 共通論題 : 戦後日本資本主義の世界的・歴史的位置)
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The purpose of this paper is to analyze the industrial relations in Japan under the occupation. It is characterized by the state of trade-unions. In the early stage of the occupation Japanese unions were organized by both blue collars and white collars. They were called Juugyooin-Kumiai (Employee Union). Their antecedent was the Sangyoo-Houkokukai (Industrial Patriotic Association) during the war. The organization of Juugyooin-Kumiai was established through the Seisan-Kanri-Tousou (the struggle for production control). The characteristics of Juugyooin-Kumiai are as follows. 1) The members of this organization were those who belonged to the same company. 2) They regarded themselves as producers. 3) They understood themselves as the central power of postwar reconstruction. These characteristics were to be embedded in the Japanese industrial relations after the end of the occupation.
- 1991-04-20
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