- 論文の詳細を見る
The purpose of this paper is to analyze the industrial relations of Hokkaido Coal and Shipping Company (Hokutan) in the inter-war period, and to make clear the details and the meaning in history of the transformation of it from the Showa Crisis on. In the previous studies, the views that the industrial relations kept stability in the period of the Showa Crisis and so the industrial relations was not transformed on and after it, are generally agreed on. In this paper, I intend to offer the different view from them. In 1920's, when coal market conditions were stagnant, the increase of coal production was tried hard, and the rationalization including the improvement of the system of coal mining was carried out in Hokutan. But rationalization was not carried out enough to reform the labor system, so the will to work of miners had an influence upon coal mining still in 1920's. So, in order to strengthen the will to work of miners, the management of Hokutan expressed to them the theory that you could increase your income only as a result of the increase of labor productivity repeatedly through the employee association (Issinkai), and made efforts to content miners by good understanding at the committee of Issinkai, to improve the welfare facilities, and to utilize the devices by miners. As a result of them, the management succeeded in integrating miners to the enterprise, and in stabilizing the industrial relations in the middle of 1920's. When the first popular election was held in 1928, the situation of the industrial relations was changed. It became possible that trade unions approached to miners on the pretext of the election campaign. So, the management of Hokutan which attached importance to counterpolicy on ideology against trade unions enriched educational and moral culture policies, and tried to talk miners to nationalism ideology. In the period of the Showa Crisis, the industrial relations was instable owing to the dismissal of many miners and the worsening of labor conditions. So the management of Hokutan reorganized Issinkai in order to increase the function to integrate miners, and began to emphasize nationalism ideology more than before. Since then, the management of Hokutan made efforts to integrate miners with nationalism ideology, and succeeded in it under the influence of the Manchurian Incident.
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