- 論文の詳細を見る
(1)The author has stressed a colonial setting in Northern Ireland economy, which has polarized economic interests among people. For intance, he has found out a great disparity of wealth between industrialzed enclave around Belfast and agrarian districts, which is a result of too much dependence of export and imoprt on Britain. Monopolization of higher staffs in local government and entrepreneurs by Protestant is a result of colonial ruling as well. (2)The author has found out a dualism in social sanction in rural areas. They devide their universe into two fundamental categories, 'friends'(kin) and 'strangers'(non-kin). They distinguish relations between kinsmen from relations between non-kin. Dualism as such is peculiar to traditional societies according to Max Weber. (3)Under the influence of industrialization and social conflicts which the colonial setting has engendered, 'Protestant ethos'(M.Weber)has been fossilized. Protestant people insist that they are superior to Catholic people by nature. On the other hand, Catholic ethos is not suitable to industrialized economy. Catholic people have suffered from their 'inferiority complex', while they have denounced that money and what it brings are God for Protestant people. (4)Polarization of economic interests, tradional dualism in social sanction, and fossilization of Protestant and Catholic ethos have intermingled to engender social conflicts in Northern Ireland.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1975-01-20
- 土地制度史学会編 『資本と土地所有』, (農林統計協会, 一九七九年一〇月, 五三一頁, 三五〇〇円)
- 北アイルランド問題における経済と宗教の相関
- 北村次一著 「植民地主義と経済発展」, (啓文社, 昭和四五年, 二一六頁, 九五〇円)