日本資本主義における「戦後重化学工業段階(1965-70)」 : 「国家」=独占資本,特殊低賃金労働,半プロ的零細地片私的所有
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This basic analysis aims at determining the notion of "post-war heavy industrial stage", that is to say, determining strictly the inner interrelations of the following three matters in this stage ; the structure of iron and steel production as the main axis of the post-war "state" monopoly capital, the specific low-wage labour and the extremely fragmentary half-proletarian landownership. The specific "post-war heavy industrial stage (1965-70)" in Japan capitalism has to be held by two indications. One of them is the material force of productions and the other is the structure of labouring class employing themselves in manufacturing establishments. The former indication, which is fundamental, lies in the fact that LD converter steel became 55% of all steel productions in 1965, which I might call "the converter stage in the post-war steel production". And the latter indication, which is subsequent to the former, lies in the fact that the labourers employing themselves in heavy industries became 50% of all manufacture labourers, that is, in 1970 the structure of manufacture labour turned out to be that of the post-war heavy industrial stage. At this "post-war heavy industrial stage", we must point out, as showing its structural peculiarity, the fact that there is an extremely fragmentary half-proletarian landownership. This article is divided into two parts. The first part is the general consideration about the "post-war heavy industrial stage" and the second is the particular one about the post-war stage of the iron and steel production structures as the main axis of the post-war heavy industries. But the first part is further divided into two items. In the first item I have treated the bases of productive forces of the post-war heavy industrial stage. There I have pointed out first the rapid vortex-motion, from the pre-war open hearth furnace stage in 1961 to the post-war LD converter stage in 1965, which had been caused by the forcible constructions of LD converters, monster crucibles as its driving force; and next the rapid rise of iron and steel production and its limitation caused by the crush of IMF system in 1971. In the second item of the first part I have treated the position of the structure of manufacture labour at the stage of 1970 and the regional construction of that in the same time. There I have analysed the fact that the post-war heavy industrial stage came into being in the coexistencial phase of the constructions and the destructions. The former are the constructions of the strategic establishments of heavy industries, the nuclei of which are the plants of the iron and steel works, motor vehicles and motor vehicle equipment, and electronic devices, etc. And the latter are the degressions or destructions of ammonium sulphate industry from 1955 (it indicates the destruction of the post-war establishment of the extremely small farming, "jisakuno"), textile industries (especially cotton spinning mills) from 1961 and steel making and rolling and rolling by open hearth furnaces from 1962. Especially, by the destruction of post-war "jisakuno" owing to the agrarian landreform, his extremely fragmentary landownership has been into that of the half-proletariat. And it is this extremely fragmentary half-proletarian landownership that consists of the structural basis of the post-war heavy industrial stage. The second part of this article is also divided into two items. In the first item I have treated the forcible constructions, the starting point of which was the construction of so-called "sea-side fires" of Tobata-works in I960. In this process of constructions, there has been formed the new main range of the structure of iron and steel production in post-war Japan-the works of Tobata, Wakayama, Nagoya, Sakai, Fukuyama, Mizushima, Kimitsu, Kakogawa, Kashima and Oita, over and above the old main and reconstructed range-old Yawata, Kamaishi, Muroran, Keihin, Hirohata and Chiba, etc. It was in 1965 when the first blast furnace of Wakayama-works was fired that "the post-war converter stage" began. And in this stage, especially in 1970, the most noticiable fact in the structure of iron and steel production was the existence of the outsider workers in the site of the wohle works (Konaishagaiko), the percentage of whom was about 50% of the total workers. And so, in the second item of the second part I have treated the conversion of labour-power organization system, under the depression of 1962 and the great depression of 1965, Into the outsider worker system in the iron and steel works, which is the specific organization system of the low-age labour in Japan. But this system is only one of the various kinds of mediums by which the "state" monopoly capital, the main axis of which is the iron and steel capital, chains up the low-wage labourers. The economic conditions of the whole iron and steel workers (wokers inside and outside of the big corporations) are inevitably determined by the existence of the extremely fragmentary half-proletarian landownership. The capital relations in the "post-war heavy industrial stage" and the low-wage systems under the pressure 'of the "state" monopoly capital in Japan, are supported by the low-income of the small farming on the real base of the extremely fragmentary landownership. The income of the half-proletarian household in 1970 was composed partly of the low-wage from off-farm jobs (56%) and partly of the low-income of the extremely small farming (35%). The structural peculiarity of the Japan "state" monopoly capitalism in the post-war heavy industrial stage (1965-70), though its forcible construction of the post-war heavy industries determined by the second stage of the general crisis of capitalism and its position in the world by U.S. imperialism, has to be seized as such one.
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- 日本資本主義における「戦後重化学工業段階(1965-70)」 : 「国家」=独占資本,特殊低賃金労働,半プロ的零細地片私的所有
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