日本資本主義の戦後再編と危機の進行 : 格差=構造的過剰のメカニズムを中心として
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After the breakdown of the pre-war capitalist structure in Japan by the defeat, the post-war reorganization has been drived forward through two stages, in the first of which (1950〜55) the industry producing means of consumption and agriculture promoted the social reproduction, in the second (1955〜61) the formation of the industry producing means of production with modern equipment leaded the hasty expansion of the social reproduction. This high accumulation of capital especially in heavy and chemical industries, building up these as potentially military industries required the U. S. from a viewpoint of the cold-war strategy, was brought about on the basis of the severe disparity in labor productivity between giant enterprises of these industries on the one hand and light industry, medium and small enterprises on the other, and the severer disparity between manufacturing industry and agriculture. Because of these contradictions fell the Japanese capitalism into a structural overproduction since 1960-61. Under the structural depression, the crisis of medium and small enterprises, the crisis of the small-scale agriculture and the crisis of the public finance intensify themselves, prices of consumers' goods rise, conditions of the working class are agg-ravated, and these factors obstruct the formation of a well-balanced structure of the social reproduction adapted to heavy and chemical industries on the high level as axis. Furthermore, the world-wide dollar-military system of the U. S. upon which the post-war Japanese capitalism depends profoundly is getting more unstable by the defeat of the U. S. in Vietnam and the deepening of the dollar-crisis.
- 政治経済学・経済史学会の論文
- 1968-10-20
- 戦後日本資本主義分析の方法の模索 : 井村喜代子『現代日本経済論』をめぐって(研究動向)
- 日本的労資関係をめぐる最近の議論について(論点をめぐって)
- 橋本寿朗著, 『日本経済論-二十世紀システムと日本経済』, ミネルヴァ書房, 1991年, vi+314頁+10
- 栗原源太著, 『日本資本主義の二重構造-独占資本形成期から多国籍企業化までの実証分析-』, 御茶の水書房, 1989年, vi+398+6頁
- 1969年度〔土地制度史学会〕秋季学術大会・総会について
- 日本資本主義の戦後再編と危機の進行 : 格差=構造的過剰のメカニズムを中心として
- 手島正毅著, 『日本国家独占資本主義諭』, 有斐閣, 1966年12月刊, 323頁, 980円