- 論文の詳細を見る
Modern European philosophy, which starts from the doubt, cannot delve into the spiritual realm that man has never ceased to explore. Therefore, learning from traditional philosophies, we must aim to make "a universal theology," which is a new expression of spiritual philosophy based on the concept of multidimensionality of cosmos and self, with no attachment to a particular religion. This new philosophy/theology shows "a grand design of cosmos," which existed in traditional philosophies. It includes the following topics: the Source, the multidimensionality of cosmos, earth and self, soul and alayavijnana, world soul, grace, the providence, and spiritual evolution. Though a few of these topics were covered in various theories such as Kyoto school philosophy, the transpersonal psychology, and Christian and Buddhist philosophies, never before have they been integrated as a single philosophical system of spirituality.
- 人体科学会の論文
- 2008-06-30
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- 微細エネルギーと形相性の問題(1) : spiritの新しい概念のために
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