エキウム交雑種[Echium wildpretii × E. pininana](ムラサキ科)の生育・開花特性
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We investigated the growth and flowering characteristics of interspecific hybrids between Echium wildpretii H. Pearson ex Hook.f. and E. pininana Webb & Berth. (Chiltern Seeds in England). The plant height of hybrids plants was from 276 cm (maximum) to 149 cm (minimum). The earliest plant of the flowering flowered on April 23rd. The flowering period of hybrid plants was about 50 days. The total flower numbers per plant of hybrids was from about 90000 (maximum) to 8000 (minimum). The hybrid plants were classified into 3 clusters by cluster analysis using plant height, circumference of middle part of inflorescence, flower numbers per plant and leaf ratio.
- 甲子園短期大学の論文
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- エキウム交雑種[Echium wildpretii × E. pininana](ムラサキ科)の生育・開花特性
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