わが国の食環境の現状と課題 : 「持続可能な開発のための教育」の題材としての視点から
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Present situation and future prospect of food circumstances in Japan were described, from a point of view from a subject of education for sustainable development. Food is very important for daily life. The circumstances of the food in Japan are serious ', especially food self-support rate is under 40% base on calorie. These conditions affect the water conditions and energy consumption in the world. UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) proposed "education for sustainable development" at International Conference of Environment and Society : Education and Public Awareness for Sustainability in 1997. "Education for Sustainable Development" is carried out for 10 years from 2005 by United Nations. The basic law on Shokuiku (food education) was enacted in June 2005. The basic law defines Shokuiku as acquisition of knowledge about food as well as the ability to make appropriate food choices. Behind the law, there're a variety of food and nutrition issues such as a lack of proper concern for food, an increase in irregular and nutritionally unbalanced meals, a rise in obesit y and lifestyle-related diseases, an excessive desire for being slim especially among young females, outbreak of a series of incidents related to food safety, over-dependency on food from abroad, and loss of traditional food culture in a globalization movement. Shokuiku, however, lack the circumstances of the food in Japan. Shokuiku should be modified and used for education for sustainable development.
- 東海大学の論文
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- わが国の食環境の現状と課題 : 「持続可能な開発のための教育」の題材としての視点から