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The purpose of this study is to develop a new temporary sealing material that can meet the required properties as far as possible. In this study, the marginal sealing of a trial temporary sealing material (PA) and a possible influence of the trial sealing material on the adhesion strength of cement and core resin to dentine were examined in comparison with two commercially available temporary sealing materials. A trial temporary sealing material which used polyethylmethacrylate (PEMA) as a main powder component and eugenol as a solution component was examined as well as two commercially available temporary sealing materials (resin-derived temporary material DU and eugenol-derived temporary sealing material NE). NE was examined under three conditions by modifying the powder solution ratio. Marginal sealing test : After a cavity was prepared on the occlusal surface of human extracted teeth, a pigment invasion test was performed under two conditions, that is, the sealing material was put into the cavity, kept in distilled water at 37℃ for 24 hours followed by immersion in 0.2% basic fuchsine solution for 10 minutes and 30 minutes on one hand, and 100 thermal cycling test loadings were given to the same condition mentioned above on the other hand. Adhesion test : After a temporary sealing material was put on the surface of bovine teeth, the teeth were kept in distilled water at 37℃ for 24 hours followed by 100 thermal cycling loadings. The adhesion test was then performed by filling the samples in which the temporary sealing material was removed by an instrument as far as possible with two kinds of resin-modified glass-ionomer cement (FL, VT), one kind of resin cement (PN) and two kinds of core resin of dual cure type (DC, UC). In addition, a comparative study was further performed by adding a thermal cycle loading to the same condition as above. From this study, the following conclusions could be drawn 1) The marginal sealing property was found to be superior in due order of NE 11 > PA> DU > NE 16 > NE 22, revealing that the trial sealing material (PA) was superior to DU, NE 16 and NE 22. 2) No influence of the trail temporary sealing material on the adhesive properties of adhesive cement and core resin was observed. However, the influence was noted to some extent in the cases of NE-16 and NE-22. 3) In the adhesion test, the bonding strength intended to decrease under the condition of added thermal cycle loadings for all the tested sealing materials. From the results mentioned above, it was revealed that no significant difference on the marginal sealing was observed between the trial temporary sealing material and eugenol-derived temporary sealing material widely used in the present clinical practice and that the sealing strength of the trial material was superior to resin-derived temporary sealing materials. Given its handling property being superior to eugenolderived temporary sealing materials and almost equal to resin-derived ones, the trial temporary sealing material, PA, was suggested to be of high clinical utility.
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