- 論文の詳細を見る
Japan had been under the strict rule of the Tokugawa Shogunate since the beginning of the seventeenth century. The traditions and institutions set by the Bakufu became outmoded in the course of time and it was inevitable that the people would react against them. On the other hand, the steady expansion of the Western capitalist powers made Japan's isolation policy increasingly difficult to maintain. The threat of internal chaos was aggravated by the pressure from the Western powers seeking to open Japan in the early decades of the nineteenth century. In 1854 the Shogun signed the Treaty of Kanagawa with Commodore Perry, which opened two ports, permitted trade under regulations, provided better treatment of American castaways, and included most-favored-nation clause. This was the first step in the opening of Japan and the treaty was followed by similar treaties with Britain, Russia, and Holland. Under provisions of the Perry treaty, Townsend Harris was sent as the first American consul to Japan. He patiently nagotiated with the Bakufu leaders and succeeded to sign the first commercial treaty with the Shogun in 1858, which provided for unsupervised trade at five ports, mutual diplomatic representation, extra-territoriality, a conventional tariff, the prohibition of the import of opium and so on. Treaties quickly followed with Holland, Russia, Britain, France, all on the model of the Harris treaty. The opening of the country, however, accelerated the economic disintegration and aggravated the anti-foreign feeling as well as the anti-Tokugawa sentiment. When an international crisis was imminent, the Western powers took military demonstrations against anti-foreign forces. Thereafter, the feudal ruling class took a step toward the establishment of a powerful government to abolish the dual system of government. The idea was supported by the Western powers hoping to maintain their relations with Japan on a firmer foundation. In this sense, the Restoration was merely a reform for the establishment of absolutism backed by the Western powers. This was the reason why Japan did not sink into the ranks of a colonial country.
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