- 論文の詳細を見る
Ceramics have some excellent properties as the material for the mechanical components. The processing method generally involves grinding using a diamond wheel. However, the method has several problems, including marks left on the ground surface. While the processing method allows excellent processing precision and surface finishing, it suffers from adverse factors related to surface accuracy including pile-up and the interference phenomenon. In this research, the groove characteristics and interference phenomenon in single grain grinding were compared for 4 types of sintered ceramics. The results were as follows. (1) While the formation of ground grooves changes from ductile mode to brittle mode with increasing grain depth of cut gm, the pile-ups of both sides of ground grooves coexist with chipping in the transition region. (2) The ratio of height of pile-up peak to groove depth decreased with increasing gm. (3) In the brittle mode region for SiC and Al_2O_3, the actual groove depth was larger than the set value. (4) With Al_2O_3, although a plastic deformation surface is created, cracks and voids are formed below the ductile mode groove. (5) With ductile mode grinding, the height of formed peak between two grooves approximately agrees with the geometric value.
- 一関工業高等専門学校の論文
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- パルス発振YAGレーザ照射によるセラミックスのピアシング過程
- 228 YAGレーザ照射におけるセラミックスの加工特性(OS5 電子部品・光学部品の超精密加工)
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