フリーのソフトを活用した建築設計の基礎教育用環境に関する試論 : JQGI-Cycleツールを実装するUbuntu Linux Live ディスクの試作
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This report is on an attempt to evaluate the method named as "JQGI-Cycle" that is for students at the early stage in learning architecture, and to make another Ubuntu Live CD/DVD customized with including "JQGI-Cycle Tools". "JQGI-Cycle Tools" are consisted of JW_Cad for Windows working on wine, Qcad for Open Source Community, The Gimp that is a raster graphics manipulator, and Inkscape that is a vector graphics illustrator. After recognizing the effect of "JQGI-Cycle" in learning architecture and in presenting wills of an experimental project among students, the author have tried to make customization of some different types of Live CD/DVD from Ubuntu family's distributions whose version are 7.10, Gutsy Gibbons. The conclusions at this stage are as follows; 1. Fast and stable way of customization is to use uck (Ubuntu Customization Kit), which allows using GUI package manager, synaptic. 2. Customized Live CD is not made from either ubuntu-ja-7.10-desktop-i386.iso, and nor kubuntu-ja-7.10-desktop-i386.iso because of limit of 700MB, but Customized Live DVD is well done with in the minimum size of about 1GB , and works rather well. 3. Customized Live CD is successfully made only from xubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso. 4. Customized Live CD/DVD is available on almost all PCs, including most machines with Intel/AMD/etc type processors and almost all computers that run Microsoft Windows, as well as newer Apple Macintosh systems based on Intel processors. This is the most striking point, because almost all the students who would like to learn architecture in Japan can experience "JQGI-Cycle" without suffering from software charge.
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