- 論文の詳細を見る
The Bohai Sea, Yellow Sea, East China Sea, and the Taiwan Straits all lie between the various countries of East Asia. Due to this, from ancient times, the interaction between these various nations was first and foremost dependant upon sailing vessels. However, there was a major difference in the level of development in shipbuilding technology amongst these nations and, consequentially, there was a marked difference in their frequency of ocean voyages. It was in China where naval technology was most highly developed, and the Chinese made an especially large number of voyages over the longest period of time, with their wooden ships boasting the greatest number of journeys. Chinese ships sailed across the seas to the Korean peninsula and to Japan, but, once China strictly enforced the prohibition of maritime trade during the Ming Dynasty, Chinese traders became almost non-existent on the water, and seafaring ships such as merchant vessels decreased sharply during that age. At that time, ocean travel on the east Asian seas was limited almost solely to the South Sea expeditions of Zheng He, ships from Southeast Asian nations bringing tribute to China, the dispatches from Japan to Ming China, and the Ming Dynasty "sakuho" ships sent from China to the Ryukyu Islands. Once maritime bans were eased in the latter part of the Ming Dynasty, however, private ships began to roam at will and the rampant activities of Japanese pirates was evident. Conventionally, only the damage caused by these robbers and pirates is emphasized. And yet, if looked at from another viewpoint, we can say that they played a vital role in cultural interaction. Once the Kingdom of Tungning in Taiwan was suppressed and the Qings abolished the maritime bans and authorized the overseas travel of merchant vessels, a great many Chinese ships once again sailed outward, not only to Japan but to Southeast Asian nations as well, and the seas of East Asia reached a state where it can be said that Chinese ships had seized command of the sea. In this paper, I especially want to describe how Chinese ships in the Qing Dynasty played a part in the cultural interaction between East Asian nations.
- 2008-03-31
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