Study of Submanifolds by Curves of Order(2)
- Geometry of geodesic spheres in a complex projective space
- 球面の特徴付け : まるく見える曲面は球面か
- 平面や球面を美しく表現してみよう
- Lagrangian minimal surfaces with 1-Parameter family of pair of great circles in S^2 × S^2
- Circles and Totally Geodesic Kahler Submanifolds
- Study of Submanifolds by Curves of Order(2)
- 円による射影空間の空間形への平行埋蔵の特徴付け (部分多様体の微分幾何学およびその周辺領域の研究)
- Circles in a complex projective space
- Homogeneous closed curves on geodesic spheres in a complex projective space from the viewpoint of submanifold theory
- Submanifold theory from the viewpoint of circles
- 階数1の対称空間における曲線と部分多様体
- Circles and Hypersurfaces in Space Forms
- Spectral Curves, Dressing Actions and Harmonic Maps of R^2 into Complex Grassmann Manifolds
- Integral Curves of Killing Vector Fields in a Complex Projective Space
- Geometry of a Complex Projective Space from the Viewpoint of its Curves and Real Hypersurfaces
- Some Aspects on Circles and Helices in a Complex Projective Space
- 複素空間形上の円
- 複素空間形の複素螺旋について(部分多様体論とその周辺)
- Length spectrum of circles in a complex projective space
- 円の幾何 (等質構造の部分多様体論的研究)
- Magnetic Flows for a Surface of Negative Curvature
- ケーラー磁場の軌道と円(部分多様体論とその周辺)
- アメナブルな群の作用を持つ完備リーマン多様体のスペクトラム II