環境問題への地域からの取り組みの促進に向けて : 日韓両国を比較しながら(<特集論文II>「豊かな」社会の到来と生活空間の変容 : 日韓比較
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Local citizen's activities to preserve environmental conditions have attracted considerable attention. It is also found that each country develops different dimension of such activities affected by its own history. Therefore, this paper attempts to compare such activities in Japan and South Korea by examining one typical organization in each country. First, we look back to history of environmental movements in South Korea to realize background of activities that we focus on. Then we identify devices of the organization that produce excellent performance. We also pay attention to difficulties that even such organization is facing now. Thirdly, we examine activities of the Japanese organization and identify devices and difficulties. Finally, we check how far each country has matured in the dimension relatively developed in each other in order to learn from the experience.
- 開発主導の住環境形成が生活空間の近代化に及ぼした影響 : 生活空間の近代化に関する日韓比較プロジェクト研究(「豊かな」社会の到来と生活空間の変容 : 日韓比較)
- 環境問題への地域からの取り組みの促進に向けて : 日韓両国を比較しながら(「豊かな」社会の到来と生活空間の変容 : 日韓比較
- 持続可能な社会・経済システムと住宅のあり方
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- 第一次転形問題論争についての若干の考察 : 間接的連続性説の視角から (松尾 博教授退官記念論文集)
- 生産価格論の再検討(5) : 見田説・伊藤説について
- 生産価値論の再検討(4) : 間接的連続性説試論(下)
- 生産価値論の再検討(3) : 間接的連続性説試論(上)
- 生産価格論の再検討(2) : マルクスの生産価格論について
- 生産価値論の再検討(1)