- 論文の詳細を見る
Several carbon blacks and carbon nanofiber were treated with heat at six hundred degree. The effect of reinforcement of rubber composites was investigated. The acidic functional groups in the filler surface decreased due to the heat treatment. The decrement of generation of CO and CO_2, on carbon-base nanofillers was confirmed. The heat treatment of carbon base nanofillers brought the increment of both storage modulus (E') in viscoelasticity and tear strength for their rubber composites. The shapes of carbon nanofibers in rubber composite were observed by TEM and SEM photograph. The carbon nanofibers in rubber composites have been cut into about 1/5 of the original ones and they are oriented to the roll direction. In spite of small amount of isodine adsorption, the rubber composite with carbon nanofibers showed higher E' than that with carbon blacks. Thus, it is indicated that the heat treatment of carbon base nanofillers will be beneficial for improving reinforcement of rubber composites.
- 2008-08-25
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