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The limestone is used as desulfurization sorbents in fluidized bed combustors (FBC). This material decomposes into CaO, which then reacts with SO_2 during desulfulization process. The CaO also acts as a catalyst for N_2O decomposition in the combustor. However, the activity of CaO catalyst during N_2O decomposition process decreases with sulfation of the CaO due to pore plugging since the molar volume of CaSO_4, produced in this process, is larger than that of the CaO. For prevention of the pore plugging, preparation methods of macroporous CaO by swelling methods were investigated. In this research, two swelling methods using acetic acid and water vapor were used. Also, the effect of pore size distribution of CaO, prepared by these swelling methods, on N_2O decomposition was examined in the presence of SO_2 in a continuous quartz fixed-bed reaction system. From the results, it was found that the macroporous CaO prepared with water vapor swelling method was active for the catalytic decomposition of N_2O and had good tolerance for sulfation.
- 一般社団法人日本エネルギー学会の論文
- 1999-10-28
- 2-15 Fe-Mo系触媒を用いたFischer-Tropsch合成((4)天然ガス転換技術2,Session 2 天然ガス・メタンハイドレート等)
- 13.石炭ガス化ガス中の水銀除去剤としての酸化鉄の挙動
- 30 TPD-Massによる水銀化合物と除去剤上の水銀種の分解特性(水銀挙動・定量)
- 3-18 触媒として酸化カルシウムを担持した桧チャーの炭酸ガスガス化((5)ガス化5,Session 3 バイオマス等,研究発表(口頭発表))
- 3-5 バイオマスの低温ガス化で発生するタールの非ニッケル系触媒による分解((2)ガス化2,Session 3 バイオマス等,研究発表(口頭発表))
- 3-4 木質系チャーのCO_2ガスガス化におけるH_2生成特性についての検討((1)ガス化1,Session 3 バイオマス等,研究発表(口頭発表))
- 40 石炭燃焼排ガス中の水銀を対象とした硫化鉄系水銀除去剤の開発(灰・微量金属(1))
- 39 石炭ガス化ガス中の水銀除去剤としての活性炭の特性(灰・微量金属(1))
- 22.活性炭と硫化水素を用いた石炭燃焼排ガス中の水銀除去に及ぼす塩化水素の影響
- 21.石炭ガス化ガス中の鉄系収着剤を用いた水銀の除去