キリスト教教育への試論 : キリスト教学(8) : 原始教会(2) パウロ
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This paper deals with the Primitive Church of Jerusalem (2) and Paul. The first chapter treats of the problems concerning the Primitive Church of Jerusalem and the second, the life and the Theoligy of Paul. Contents: 4 The Primitive Church of Jerusalem 3 The Beliefs of the Early Christian Church 1) The Atonement 2) The Faith of The Resurrection 1. The thought on resurrection 2. The Story of The Resurrection in the New Testament 3. The Testimonies of The Resurrection in the New Testament5 Paul 1 Saul 1) Saul's personal history 2) Saul who approved the Stoning of Stephen 3) Saul as the persecutor 4) The Conversion of Saul 2 Paul as the evangelist 1) Paul after Conversion 2) From Damascus to Jerusalem 3) The Church in Antioch 4) The Mission in Cyprus and Galatia 5) The Apostolic Council in Jerusalem 6) The Mission in Galatia, Asia, Macedonia and Greece 7) The Mission in Galatia, Asia minor, Ephesus and Macedonia 3 The Theology of Paul 1) Beyond the Doctrine of Judaism 2) Justification by Faith 3) The Faith of The Resurrection
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