キリスト教キョウイクへの試論 キリスト教教育(2) 創世記(2)、出エジプト記、レビ記、申命記 : 族長物語、エジプト脱出物語、律法
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This paper deals with Genesis chs. 12~50, Exodus, Levitics and Deuteronomy. Though we have many folklores of the Patriarchs, we have only a vague idea of the beginning of the history of Israel. "Abraham left the city of Ur in Babylonia to go the land of Canaan with his famiry. They went as far as Harn and then arrived in Canaan." I suppose that Ur was located in Southern Mesopotamia. We have the story of Joseph and his brothers in Genesis chs.37~47. "Joseph was sold and taken to Egypt because of his brothers' Jealousies. He interpreted the king's dream and was made Governor over Egypt. During the seven years of plenty the land produced abundant cropps ,all of which he collected and stored. When the seven years of famine began, he opened all the storehouse and sold grain. Because the famine was severe everywhere, Jacob and his sons went to buy grain in Egypt and they met Joseph. Joseph told them who he was. After that, they were given the permission to live in the region of Goshen. Then, a new king, who knew noting about Joseph, came to power in Egypt.The Egyptans oppressed the Israelites"We have the story of Moses in Exodus, Leviticus and Deteronomy. It is well Known that Moses was the leader of the Exodus. "Moses was adopted by the king's dauter. When he had grown up, he saw how Hebrew were forced to do hard labor . When he saw a Egyptian kill a Hebrew, he killed the Egyptian and fled to the land of Midian. In the land of Midian, he met the Load (Yahweh,YHWH,I am who I am).The Load ordered Moses to bring the Israelites out of Egypt. After the Exodus . they came to the desert of Sinai. At Mount Sinai, the Load gave the Ten Commandments to Moses."These stories are folklores of Israel. Generally speaking , We can not identify these stories with historical facts. But we can find the religion, laws, thoughts and lives of ancient Israel in these stories.
- キリスト教キョウイクへの試論 キリスト教教育(2) 創世記(2)、出エジプト記、レビ記、申命記 : 族長物語、エジプト脱出物語、律法
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